January 19, 2005

They're EVERYWHERE! Well, this bit of Flash animation is titled "Fags in Space." As a terrestrial fag, I can't decide whether to be amused or annoyed by this. I'm leaning towards being amused, but I want my copy of Vogue back. NSFW.

January 17, 2005

But it works in movies... The US military has considered developing a variety of non lethal chemicals, including an aphrodesiac to trigger homosexual behavior among enemy combatants, an insect attracter, and a chemical to give severe enough halitosis so as to be able to pick out the enemy among civilians. This is modern warfare?

December 29, 2004

But what about the celebrities? It's not that at least 75,000 people were killed by the quake and tsunami... it's that some precious D-list celebrities were affected by the tragedy. This sort of reporting pisses me off... much like "DISASTER! 1 US citizen breaks a nail; tens of thousands die." Am I the only one who doesn't care about where people come from in a tragedy, only that hundreds of thousands of PEOPLE were affected?

December 25, 2004

The Grinch who eBayed Christmas Wherein one exasperated father follows through on the age-old "Behave or I'm going to cancel Christmas" threat.

December 24, 2004

Birds do it... In South Africa, the Johannesburg zoo is going to artificially inseminate a pair of lesbian wattled cranes to help propagate the endagered species. Since the cranes are hard-wired for monogamy, the zookeepers decided they needed "to optimize the breeding potential."

December 17, 2004

Christmas in Cuba - Apparently the Cuban government is so annoyed with the US embassy over their Christmas lights depicting the number "75" (which is the number of dissidents the Cuban government has detained this year), they have erected a billboard with swastikas and photos of prisoner torture at Abu Ghraib with the words "MADE IN USA" on it. Somewhere, Santa is crying...

December 14, 2004

Man Bites Dog Man gets arrested.

December 10, 2004

I will be killed soon as Toshiba planned.
I want the World to ruin atrocious criminal Toshiba Corp. Of course, I hate Toshiba's HD DVD. I care even Americans and Russians yet can't realize Mind-Control by radar of satellite but Toshiba Corp could do it in 1997. [via Gizmodo]
Long-Time Atheist Now Believes in God "At age 81, after decades of insisting belief is a mistake, Antony Flew has concluded that some sort of intelligence or first cause must have created the universe. A super-intelligence is the only good explanation for the origin of life and the complexity of nature, Flew said in a telephone interview from England."

December 08, 2004

Puppet Porn The previously deleted hot puppet-on-puppet sex scene from "Team America: World Police" has surfaced. NSFW in a puppet kind of way, but pretty much not in any other way.

December 02, 2004

It's hitting the fan Jason and Jeremy Giambi have admitted to using banned steroids given to them by Greg Anderson, an employee of BALCO and Barry Bonds' personal trainer. Still, no one has gone on record saying Barry uses them, but his achievements at his age coupled with these admissions are becoming more and more suspect. Say it ain't so, Joe...

November 30, 2004

The first casualty of the '04 elections
Out: Darwinism In: "Intelligent Design" aka creationism lite

November 27, 2004

What's first on my Christmas wish list?

November 22, 2004

How to torture telemarketers.

November 18, 2004

Curious George: Freelance web sites Do any of you creative types out there use freelance sites to get work? In particular, I was wondering about sologig.com, but I would really like to know about other similar sites like guru.com and elance.com (but not including Craigslist, Monster, HotJobs or Careerbuilder). more inside

November 13, 2004

Now THAT's a Posh dildo! David Beckham bought his wife, Victoria (Posh Spice...) a $1.8 million diamond encrusted vibrator. There are still nine left, buy one now! more inside

November 12, 2004

When technology goes TOO far Now little Sally can hug an inanimate lump and millions of miles away, Granny can have an inanimate lump hug her back. Almost like real human interaction! Feel the love without the germs or personal warmth! more inside

November 11, 2004

Milan's Icebar You pays your money, and you gets to drink your Absolut vodka out of an ice cup, while standing at an ice bar, in 23° weather, in a parka and rubber boots. Just like in Sweden... but in Italy. Why?

November 08, 2004

What is killing Arafat? The Jerusalem NewsWire claims that Arafat is dying from AIDS, due to his blotchy skin, weight loss, immune system troubles and mental troubles. The cause, unsurprisingly, is "perverted encounters" of the homosexual kind (provided by his former Romanian communist allies). (via towleroad.)

November 06, 2004

Read Books, Get Brain Sounds like a good idea for an ad campaign to run on the sides of buses to get the kids of NYC to read, huh? Especially after you find out that "get brain" is current slang for oral sex... and the ad campaign is for a clothing company.
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